Q 1813056849.     A plane EM wave travelling in vacuum along z-direction is given by

`E = E_0 sin(kz - omega t)hati` and `B = B_0 sin(kz - omega t)hatj`

(i) Evaluate `intE . dl` over the rectangular loop 1234 shown in figure.
(ii )Evaluate `intB . ds` over the surface bounded by loop 1234.
(iii) Use equation `int E . dl = (-dphi_B)/(dt)` to prove `(E_0)/(B_0) = c`,
(iv) By using similar process and the equation `intB . dl = mu_0 I + epsilon_0 (d phi_E)/(dt)`, prove that `c = 1/(sqrt(mu_0 epsilon_0))`

NCERT Exemplar 08/31/LAT
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